Friday 28 March 2014

Progression in our group

Through out the progress within our group i feel like i have gained a better understanding on how to work better within my group as a media student, as coming into media with no previous knowledge i feel like i was able to learn with in my group. However at first it was quite difficult, our group as a whole had no real idea of what or how we were going to approach things. Since this point our group pulled our selves together and made dramatic changes to make ourselves progress as a group and individually. As an individual i do feel like i have been able to work on my team management skills and team work skills which play a big part of making a team able to progress. 
At the beginning when doing the blog i didn't take it as seriously as i should of neither did the group, we soon realized how important this was when one group member took charge and helped us move on quickly and blogging more. When doing our Continuity task i felt like i was very much in charge of this, i was doing the filming and organized the people to film. However i soon realized that trying to do everything was very difficult and put pressure on me. This was when two group members helped me a lot with the filming. And we found that Jordan was very good at filming and was able to collect very good steady shots. I found that within in the group i was the one who was good at organizing things. 

When it came to editing I didn't know anything at the beginning. But working as a group Jordan helped me learn how to do basic editing on the Adobe (Premier Pro & After Effects) program. This helped me feel more confident within my group as i now had basic camera skills and editing skills. When we moved onto our opening film task i felt like one member in particular took role of the leader and helped our group progress massively. 
When choosing location for our film i straight away said my house would be good for shooting a thriller horror film. Now looking back i think this put a lot of pressure on me, realistically it would of been a lot easier for our group if we chose Jordan house as he lives very close to our school, this would of made it more convenient for our whole group. As it was my house i would have to keep checking with my parents if it was okay to have the house free a lot and having a baby in the house proved to be quite difficult as every time we filmed we would have to move all her toys etc. Although the fact that we had baby equipment helped with out story as it was about a baby sitter. Further more i found that the Actor i chose often couldn't make shooting sessions which held our group back, as she was one of my friends i felt that if she didn't come it put pressure on me as our group couldn't progress with the film any further. If we thought better at the beginning we should of used a girl within our own group making it better and easier for us to film whenever.

Overall i feel like the decisions that we made at the beginning did effect our progress however we managed to pull through it and our end product is very much to our standards of how we imagined our opening to look. Even though i wasn't the leader of the group i still do feel like i am able to take better charge of a group and i have shown i can learn new skills as well as develop old skills.

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