Wednesday 2 October 2013


In today's lesson we looked at how music effects a film. We was asked questions such as what emotions do we feel when listening to the music, what film we thinks its from and what genre it is, and lastly what we thought was happening in the scene. This will help me when thinking about my two minute opening of a film as I will need to include music in my clip to create an atmosphere and emotion for the audience to connect with my clip.
We was then told the film was the notebook

Mise-en-scene -The mood is created through music in this scene.

Two shot - makes the shot more personal showing their love. The music is soft and happy.
Sawns- shows peacefulness. Music is peaceful
Whiteness- the Shot is surrounded with white swans and flowers, Shows purity of there love. At this point the music is fast but cheery.
Thunder - Happens when they start arguing contrasts with the whiteness and purity. The music becomes quite dramatic and sad.

Music for Films

Action - upbeat, fast music

Science fiction - futuristic
Horror- Slow, sometimes fast, weary, low beat, high pitched to build up to a scary moment
Comedy - upbeat, happy
Romantic - Calm, peaceful, happy. 

Diegetic sound - sounds that appear naturally from the scene i.e. footsteps
Non Diegetic - Sounds that aren't natural to the scene i.e. a narrator 

By having an idea what music type of music goes with what genre this will help me when I choose my genre for my film as I will have an idea on what type of music I need to create the right atmosphere. Also by knowing what diegetic sound is I can apply this to my 2 minute film to make it more realistic

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