Saturday 19 October 2013

What is the purpose of Censorship?

Censorship is the control of the information and ideas circulated within a society, it is used within media to stop the audience from seeing content that they believe is inappropriate. This is seen within the hays code in 1920 where they blocked certain ideas from the audience such as viewing the leg from above the knee, they thought it was unacceptable as this could lead the audience into thinking inappropriately. However now days this idea of revealing the body is no longer an issue and we have unconsciously consumed it to the extent where we don't see a half naked women on fronts of magazines or on t.v as a problem any more as the audience have been desensitised.        
          However now days the media block certain content that they deem inappropriate/explicit for young viewers by having a time in which certain media can be show; this is known as watershed. Certain genres such as horrors can only be shown after 9.00/10.00 at night this is because it contains horrific acts of violence, blood and gore. Further more within supermarkets on DVD and games they have age limits in which you can buy them and have to provide photographic ID to show that you are the correct age to buy the products.
           Censorship is also used within music and music videos, during the day songs with swear words in are often bleeped out whether it's on the radio or TV as they believe swearing is not suitable for a young audience. Although singers at the moment have been using much more explicit content such as violence, nudity, drugs or graphic language in there videos that there is age restrictions on what can be shown.

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